IFDM Final
Here is the final video of the IFDM assignment. The piece is inspired by the commercial world of Times Square in New York and the world of high fashion. A Prada commercial, which incorporates the illustrations of James Jean, was especially motivating. The advertisement can be found here. Another influence was a commercial by Louis Vuitton, which in turn was inspired by superflat artist Takashi Murakami. Our piece derives more of it's composition from the Prada video, with it's smooth, dream-like atmosphere. The color scheme and narrative are closer to the Louis Vuitton work. Both have more of a hallucinigenic brightness to them, as well as a more cheeky story to tell. In the Louis Voitton world, a little girl is swallowed by a panda to enter a world of fancy. Heart Image follows the path of a heart, the pseudo logo of our company, as it makes it's way, beatifically down to the streets of Times Square.
Our piece hopes to capture the glamor and energy of both the worlds it takes inspiration from.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Midterm "Assignment 5"
For this assignment we were assigned to take a movie and dump the frames into a folder and edit them to be something different. For this I changed my frames from color to black and white using gimp. I then used my terminal to execute all my scripting and coding.
Converting and Putting Frames in Tmpframe
This code here is my first code that converted the video from mts to mpg and then dumped the frames into tmpframe:
183 ffmpeg
184 cd ~/Documents/
185 ls
186 ls -l | grep INTRO*
188 ls
189 ffmpeg -i 00012.MTS -s 640x480 car.mpg
190 ls
191 mkdir tmpframe
192 ffmpeg -i car.mpg -f image2 tmpframe/frame-%04d.ppm
193 ppminvert frame-0001.ppm > inverted.ppm
This first script was ran to rename all the frames from having the 0001 to just being a number from 1 to 630:
# Script to remove excess zeros from file names
while [ $i -ge 100 ]
mv frame-0$i.ppm frame-$i.ppm
i=$[ $i+1 ]
This script used ffmpeg to convert all the frames from ppm to jpg:
# Script to convert ppm files to jpeg
while [ $i -le 630 ]
ffmpeg -i frame-$i.ppm frame-$i.jpg
i=$[ $i+1 ]
MAking Frames Back Into a Movie
This is the script that put all the frames back together into an mpg movie:
# Natasha Keller
# Script to Make MPG Movie using FFMPEG
echo "Executing script to convert PPM files to AVI format"
## Initially tried using a while loop
# then found single line in man page that would
# accomplish what i needed.
# This program when ran after the conversion to JPG
# program will conver the JPG images into an MPEG movie
# Note: The default framerate, bit rate, and size were used
#while [ $i -le 630 ]
ffmpeg -f image2 -i frame-%d.jpg out.mpg
#i=$[ $i+1 ]
echo "Movie complete. Please view out.avi in Quicktime."
For this assignment we were assigned to take a movie and dump the frames into a folder and edit them to be something different. For this I changed my frames from color to black and white using gimp. I then used my terminal to execute all my scripting and coding.
Converting and Putting Frames in Tmpframe
This code here is my first code that converted the video from mts to mpg and then dumped the frames into tmpframe:
183 ffmpeg
184 cd ~/Documents/
185 ls
186 ls -l | grep INTRO*
188 ls
189 ffmpeg -i 00012.MTS -s 640x480 car.mpg
190 ls
191 mkdir tmpframe
192 ffmpeg -i car.mpg -f image2 tmpframe/frame-%04d.ppm
193 ppminvert frame-0001.ppm > inverted.ppm
This first script was ran to rename all the frames from having the 0001 to just being a number from 1 to 630:
# Script to remove excess zeros from file names
while [ $i -ge 100 ]
mv frame-0$i.ppm frame-$i.ppm
i=$[ $i+1 ]
This script used ffmpeg to convert all the frames from ppm to jpg:
# Script to convert ppm files to jpeg
while [ $i -le 630 ]
ffmpeg -i frame-$i.ppm frame-$i.jpg
i=$[ $i+1 ]
MAking Frames Back Into a Movie
This is the script that put all the frames back together into an mpg movie:
# Natasha Keller
# Script to Make MPG Movie using FFMPEG
echo "Executing script to convert PPM files to AVI format"
## Initially tried using a while loop
# then found single line in man page that would
# accomplish what i needed.
# This program when ran after the conversion to JPG
# program will conver the JPG images into an MPEG movie
# Note: The default framerate, bit rate, and size were used
#while [ $i -le 630 ]
ffmpeg -f image2 -i frame-%d.jpg out.mpg
#i=$[ $i+1 ]
echo "Movie complete. Please view out.avi in Quicktime."
Monday, April 26, 2010
Green Screen Compositing Project
Green Screen Video:
Done in Maya
Camera got a little wacky at the end, something we will fix for the final.
Compositing Code:
'Green Screen Compositing
Global AppTitle$="Green Screen Compositor"
Global PixMapBack:TPixmap
Global PixMapFront:TPixmap
Global PixMapResult:TPixmap
Global PixMapBKsmall:TPixmap
Global PixMapFsmall:TPixmap
Global PixMapResultSmall:TPixmap
Global i,j,pixel,PixTmp:Long
Global autotest:String
Global BaseBackName:String="bk"
Global BaseForegroundName:String="fg"
Global BKindexString:String="0001"
Global FGindexString:String="0001"
Global BKindex:Int=1, FGindex:Int=1
Global Backgroundfile:String = "bk0001.png"
Global Foregroundfile:String = "fg0001.png"
'--- Build file names if command line arguments are present
If AppArgs.length > 2
Backgroundfile = AppArgs[1] + "0001.png"
foregroundfile = AppArgs[2] + "0001.png"
'---- Create full size background and foreground pixmaps
PixMapBack = LoadPixmapPNG(Backgroundfile)
PixMapFront = LoadPixmapPNG(Foregroundfile)
'---- Creae full size result pixmap
PixMapResult = CreatePixmap(720,480,PixmapFormat(PixMapBack))
'---- Create half size pixmaps for display purposes
PixMapBKsmall = CreatePixmap(360,240,PixmapFormat(PixMapBack))
PixMapFsmall = CreatePixmap(360,240,PixmapFormat(PixMapBack))
PixMapResultSmall = CreatePixmap(360,240,PixmapFormat(PixMapBack))
If AppArgs.length > 3 Then autotest = AppArgs[3] Else autotest = "manual"
'********************** Main Loop *********************************
If autotest = "auto" '--- If command line arg3="auto" then process all images and exit
While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) And Not AppTerminate()
If KeyHit(KEY_COMMA) Then PreviousFrame()
If KeyHit(KEY_PERIOD) Then NextFrame()
If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Then AllFrames()
'------------------ Process All frames after current frame ------------------------
Function AllFrames()
Local Done = 1
While Done <> Null And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
Done = NextFrame()
If Done <> Null
'--------- Display ESCAPE message
DrawText("Press ESCAPE to stop",422,52)
If Done = Null
PreviousFrame() '--- Back up to last good image file
DrawText("Release ESCAPE now",422,52)
While KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)
'--- Wait for escape key to be released
End Function
'------------------ Move to next frame (Return null if file error) -------------
Function NextFrame:Int()
Local LoadResult
BKindex = BKindex + 1
BKindexString = String.fromint(BKindex)
BKindexString = AddZeros(BKindexString)
Backgroundfile = BaseBackName + BKindexString + ".png"
FGindex = FGindex + 1
FGindexString = String.fromint(FGindex)
FGindexString = AddZeros(FGindex)
Foregroundfile = BaseForegroundName + FGindexString + ".png"
LoadResult = LoadPix()
If LoadResult <> Null Then ProcessImage()
Return LoadResult
End Function
'------------------ Move to previous frame (Stop at frame 1) ------------------
Function PreviousFrame:Int()
Local LoadResult
BKindex = BKindex - 1
If BKindex < 1 Then BKindex = 1
BKindexString = String.fromint(BKindex)
BKindexString = AddZeros(BKindexString)
Backgroundfile = BaseBackName + BKindexString + ".png"
FGindex = FGindex - 1
If FGindex < 1 Then FGindex = 1
FGindexString = String.fromint(FGindex)
FGindexString = AddZeros(FGindex)
Foregroundfile = BaseForegroundName + FGindexString + ".png"
LoadResult = LoadPix()
If LoadResult <> Null Then ProcessImage()
Return LoadResult
End Function
'-------------------- Load Pixmap files (Return null if file error) ---------------
Function LoadPix:Int()
PixMapBack = LoadPixmapPNG(Backgroundfile)
If PixMapBack <> Null Then PixMapFront = LoadPixmapPNG(Foregroundfile)
If PixMapBack = Null Or PixMapFront = Null
Return Null
Return 1
End Function
'------------------ Add zeros to beginning of string to fill in 4 digits ---------
Function AddZeros:String(strin:String)
Local i:Int
For i = 1 To 4
If strin.length < 4 Then strin = "0" + strin
Return strin
End Function
'-------------------------- Draw Frame around picture -----------------------
Function DrawFrame(Posx:Int, Posy:Int, SizeX:Int, SizeY:Int)
'----------------------- Process the Foreground and Background Images ------------------------------------
Function ProcessImage()
Local rd,gr,bl
'--- Make a half size background image to display
For i = 0 To 359
For j = 0 To 239
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapBack,2*i,2*j)
'--- Make a half size foreground image to display
For i = 0 To 359
For j = 0 To 239
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapFront,2*i,2*j)
'--- Make composite picture
For i = 0 To 719
For j = 0 To 479
'--- Copy background image unchanged
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapBack,i,j)
'--- Copy only non-green pixels from foreground image
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapFront,i,j)
rd = (pixel & $0FF0000) Shr 16 'Get RED part of pixel
gr = (pixel & $0FF00) Shr 8 'Get GREEN part of pixel
bl = pixel & $0FF 'Get BLUE part of pixel
'--- IF pixel is not mostly GREEN, then copy it to result image
If ((gr - rd + gr - bl) < $080) Then WritePixel(PixMapResult,i,j,pixel)
'--- Make a half size result picture to display
For i = 0 To 359
For j = 0 To 239
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapResult,2*i,2*j)
SavePixmapJPeg(PixMapResult,"Result" + FGindexString + ".jpg")
'---------------- Update the display ---------------------
Function UpdateDisplay()
Cls() 'Clear the screen
'--- If right mouse button the display the color under the cursor
If MouseDown(2)
PixTmp = ReadPixel(PixMapFront,MouseX(),MouseY())
'--- Draw a small background picture
'--- Draw a small foreground picture
'--- Draw a small result picture
'--------- Display Keyboard instructions --------------
DrawText(" Controls:",422,482)
DrawText("'>' for next frame",422,498)
DrawText("'<' For previous frame",422,514)
DrawText("'SPACE' to process all frames",422,530)
DrawText(BaseBackName + "--" + BaseForegroundName + " " + BKindex + " " + FGindex, 422,546)
End Function
echo off
if [%1]==[] goto usage
if [%2]==[] goto usage
::Execute the green screen compositing program
greenscreen1 %1 %2 auto
::Next execute ffmpeg to convert the result to an AVI movie file
ffmpeg -i Result%%4d.jpg result.mpg
goto done
echo "Missing file names !!!"
echo " "
echo " Usage:"
echo "composite BackgroundFileName ForegroundFileName"
echo " "
echo "BackgroundFileName is the base name of the first of the sequence of background images"
echo " example: if your first image file is bk0001.png then BackgroundFileName will be bk"
echo " "
echo "ForegroundFileName is the name of the first of the sequence of green screen images"
echo " example: if your first image file is fg0001.png then ForegroundFileName is fg"
echo " "
echo " Note: file names must have a four digit number at the end and must be png files"
echo " "
Done in Maya
Camera got a little wacky at the end, something we will fix for the final.
Compositing Code:
'Green Screen Compositing
Global AppTitle$="Green Screen Compositor"
Global PixMapBack:TPixmap
Global PixMapFront:TPixmap
Global PixMapResult:TPixmap
Global PixMapBKsmall:TPixmap
Global PixMapFsmall:TPixmap
Global PixMapResultSmall:TPixmap
Global i,j,pixel,PixTmp:Long
Global autotest:String
Global BaseBackName:String="bk"
Global BaseForegroundName:String="fg"
Global BKindexString:String="0001"
Global FGindexString:String="0001"
Global BKindex:Int=1, FGindex:Int=1
Global Backgroundfile:String = "bk0001.png"
Global Foregroundfile:String = "fg0001.png"
'--- Build file names if command line arguments are present
If AppArgs.length > 2
Backgroundfile = AppArgs[1] + "0001.png"
foregroundfile = AppArgs[2] + "0001.png"
'---- Create full size background and foreground pixmaps
PixMapBack = LoadPixmapPNG(Backgroundfile)
PixMapFront = LoadPixmapPNG(Foregroundfile)
'---- Creae full size result pixmap
PixMapResult = CreatePixmap(720,480,PixmapFormat(PixMapBack))
'---- Create half size pixmaps for display purposes
PixMapBKsmall = CreatePixmap(360,240,PixmapFormat(PixMapBack))
PixMapFsmall = CreatePixmap(360,240,PixmapFormat(PixMapBack))
PixMapResultSmall = CreatePixmap(360,240,PixmapFormat(PixMapBack))
If AppArgs.length > 3 Then autotest = AppArgs[3] Else autotest = "manual"
'********************** Main Loop *********************************
If autotest = "auto" '--- If command line arg3="auto" then process all images and exit
While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) And Not AppTerminate()
If KeyHit(KEY_COMMA) Then PreviousFrame()
If KeyHit(KEY_PERIOD) Then NextFrame()
If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Then AllFrames()
'------------------ Process All frames after current frame ------------------------
Function AllFrames()
Local Done = 1
While Done <> Null And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
Done = NextFrame()
If Done <> Null
'--------- Display ESCAPE message
DrawText("Press ESCAPE to stop",422,52)
If Done = Null
PreviousFrame() '--- Back up to last good image file
DrawText("Release ESCAPE now",422,52)
While KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)
'--- Wait for escape key to be released
End Function
'------------------ Move to next frame (Return null if file error) -------------
Function NextFrame:Int()
Local LoadResult
BKindex = BKindex + 1
BKindexString = String.fromint(BKindex)
BKindexString = AddZeros(BKindexString)
Backgroundfile = BaseBackName + BKindexString + ".png"
FGindex = FGindex + 1
FGindexString = String.fromint(FGindex)
FGindexString = AddZeros(FGindex)
Foregroundfile = BaseForegroundName + FGindexString + ".png"
LoadResult = LoadPix()
If LoadResult <> Null Then ProcessImage()
Return LoadResult
End Function
'------------------ Move to previous frame (Stop at frame 1) ------------------
Function PreviousFrame:Int()
Local LoadResult
BKindex = BKindex - 1
If BKindex < 1 Then BKindex = 1
BKindexString = String.fromint(BKindex)
BKindexString = AddZeros(BKindexString)
Backgroundfile = BaseBackName + BKindexString + ".png"
FGindex = FGindex - 1
If FGindex < 1 Then FGindex = 1
FGindexString = String.fromint(FGindex)
FGindexString = AddZeros(FGindex)
Foregroundfile = BaseForegroundName + FGindexString + ".png"
LoadResult = LoadPix()
If LoadResult <> Null Then ProcessImage()
Return LoadResult
End Function
'-------------------- Load Pixmap files (Return null if file error) ---------------
Function LoadPix:Int()
PixMapBack = LoadPixmapPNG(Backgroundfile)
If PixMapBack <> Null Then PixMapFront = LoadPixmapPNG(Foregroundfile)
If PixMapBack = Null Or PixMapFront = Null
Return Null
Return 1
End Function
'------------------ Add zeros to beginning of string to fill in 4 digits ---------
Function AddZeros:String(strin:String)
Local i:Int
For i = 1 To 4
If strin.length < 4 Then strin = "0" + strin
Return strin
End Function
'-------------------------- Draw Frame around picture -----------------------
Function DrawFrame(Posx:Int, Posy:Int, SizeX:Int, SizeY:Int)
'----------------------- Process the Foreground and Background Images ------------------------------------
Function ProcessImage()
Local rd,gr,bl
'--- Make a half size background image to display
For i = 0 To 359
For j = 0 To 239
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapBack,2*i,2*j)
'--- Make a half size foreground image to display
For i = 0 To 359
For j = 0 To 239
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapFront,2*i,2*j)
'--- Make composite picture
For i = 0 To 719
For j = 0 To 479
'--- Copy background image unchanged
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapBack,i,j)
'--- Copy only non-green pixels from foreground image
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapFront,i,j)
rd = (pixel & $0FF0000) Shr 16 'Get RED part of pixel
gr = (pixel & $0FF00) Shr 8 'Get GREEN part of pixel
bl = pixel & $0FF 'Get BLUE part of pixel
'--- IF pixel is not mostly GREEN, then copy it to result image
If ((gr - rd + gr - bl) < $080) Then WritePixel(PixMapResult,i,j,pixel)
'--- Make a half size result picture to display
For i = 0 To 359
For j = 0 To 239
pixel = ReadPixel(PixMapResult,2*i,2*j)
SavePixmapJPeg(PixMapResult,"Result" + FGindexString + ".jpg")
'---------------- Update the display ---------------------
Function UpdateDisplay()
Cls() 'Clear the screen
'--- If right mouse button the display the color under the cursor
If MouseDown(2)
PixTmp = ReadPixel(PixMapFront,MouseX(),MouseY())
'--- Draw a small background picture
'--- Draw a small foreground picture
'--- Draw a small result picture
'--------- Display Keyboard instructions --------------
DrawText(" Controls:",422,482)
DrawText("'>' for next frame",422,498)
DrawText("'<' For previous frame",422,514)
DrawText("'SPACE' to process all frames",422,530)
DrawText(BaseBackName + "--" + BaseForegroundName + " " + BKindex + " " + FGindex, 422,546)
End Function
echo off
if [%1]==[] goto usage
if [%2]==[] goto usage
::Execute the green screen compositing program
greenscreen1 %1 %2 auto
::Next execute ffmpeg to convert the result to an AVI movie file
ffmpeg -i Result%%4d.jpg result.mpg
goto done
echo "Missing file names !!!"
echo " "
echo " Usage:"
echo "composite BackgroundFileName ForegroundFileName"
echo " "
echo "BackgroundFileName is the base name of the first of the sequence of background images"
echo " example: if your first image file is bk0001.png then BackgroundFileName will be bk"
echo " "
echo "ForegroundFileName is the name of the first of the sequence of green screen images"
echo " example: if your first image file is fg0001.png then ForegroundFileName is fg"
echo " "
echo " Note: file names must have a four digit number at the end and must be png files"
echo " "
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Storyboard For Big Project





For our project our concept is an add that promotes a fashion store. In the add we have a logo that goes through New York City and paints the town. Our logo that we have chosen is a heart. Our heart will be designed and decorated. The logo will float through NYC and "paint" the city. The city will be bland and as the heart floats to the city we will add texture to the buildings.





For our project our concept is an add that promotes a fashion store. In the add we have a logo that goes through New York City and paints the town. Our logo that we have chosen is a heart. Our heart will be designed and decorated. The logo will float through NYC and "paint" the city. The city will be bland and as the heart floats to the city we will add texture to the buildings.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Some Movies I Have Seen Recently
Alice in Wonderland

This was an awesome movie. The special effects were pretty amazing. I saw this movie at century 24 in the new 3D XD theater. I really liked this movie it was entertaining and funny and all around fun.
Bounty Hunter

This movie was awesome! This movie is now one of my favorite movies. It was very funny. I recommend this movie to everyone! I give it an A for awesome!
Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes was a really good movie. I really enjoyed it. It was pretty much what I expected. With this film there are many possibilities for sequels and I hope to see another one in the future.

This was an awesome movie. The special effects were pretty amazing. I saw this movie at century 24 in the new 3D XD theater. I really liked this movie it was entertaining and funny and all around fun.
Bounty Hunter

This movie was awesome! This movie is now one of my favorite movies. It was very funny. I recommend this movie to everyone! I give it an A for awesome!
Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes was a really good movie. I really enjoyed it. It was pretty much what I expected. With this film there are many possibilities for sequels and I hope to see another one in the future.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Terminal =]
Today in class we began learning how to use our Terminal.
Here's what we did in class:
mkdir tmp
man ls
ls -a
cd ..
cp -r tmp tmp2
>tmp tmp2
mv tmp2 tmp3
(mv= move cp -r=copy rm= remove- becareful using rm- no UNDO- removes permanent)
rm -r tmp3
cd ..
cd home/(hit tab)
cd ../..
>(computer information)
(tmp directory is a temporary junk folder that you can create and should not hold important info for long amounts of time or ever)
ls cygdrive
>c t
ls cygdrive/t
> (stuff)
ls cygdrive/t/cygwin/
cd cygdrive/c/
>(Changes to directory cygdrive)
> (cyg directory info)
cd /home/(hit tab)
>(todays date)
>(histroy of what you've done today)
history > /home/(tab)/fileName
>tmp fileName
less fileName
>(your history)
We were told to take a tutorial on how to use the terminal. Being lucky my boyfriend has a degree in computer engineering and is working on his masters in the same now. I asked him to show me some things in my terminal.
Here's some of the stuff he showed me:



Thursday, February 25, 2010
Color Wheel

The Code:
;Below makes the new image and displays it
(define img (car (gimp-image-new 512 512 0)))
(gimp-display-new img)
;this creates the new layer and adds it to the new picture
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
;this adds the points to the wedge
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 300 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
;this creates the gradient
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
;this gives the gradient and wedge it's color
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(148 0 211))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
;this defines the layer of the new wedge and does the same as above
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 300 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 0 255))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
;this is the rotation which tells the position of the wedge
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 6.75 )
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 300 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(128 0 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 7.22)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 300 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 0 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 7.69)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 305 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 127 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 8.18)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 307 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 255 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 8.67)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 310 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(172 255 50))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 9.18)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 320 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 255 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 9.73)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 325 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 255 127))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 10.3)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 330 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 255 255))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 10.88)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 332 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 191 255))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 11.47)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 335 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 255))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 12)
href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiC5ZCr8FdwYdmk7eIOnV-mIiNTCVpqlQprforiPZnPRi_YsjFq5KRLjwOgwWKMcVPhN754840HGZKGgZqbuDeRN376DMqfyueDxy1T_1hCTrklEOmuqaMlllUSR4ST_9K-sjLVcpMNYsFB/s1600-h/Picture+3.png">



The Code:
;Below makes the new image and displays it
(define img (car (gimp-image-new 512 512 0)))
(gimp-display-new img)
;this creates the new layer and adds it to the new picture
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
;this adds the points to the wedge
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 300 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
;this creates the gradient
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
;this gives the gradient and wedge it's color
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(148 0 211))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
;this defines the layer of the new wedge and does the same as above
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 300 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 0 255))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
;this is the rotation which tells the position of the wedge
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 6.75 )
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 300 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(128 0 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 7.22)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 300 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 0 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 7.69)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 305 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 127 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 8.18)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 307 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 255 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 8.67)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 310 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(172 255 50))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 9.18)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 320 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 255 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 9.73)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 325 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 255 127))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 10.3)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 330 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 255 255))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 10.88)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 332 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 191 255))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 11.47)
;same as above for a new wedge
(define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 7)))
(gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
(gimp-free-select img 6 #(0 180 0 335 255 255) 2 TRUE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 255))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 0 0 0 100 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 0 FALSE 0 255 255 255)
(gimp-selection-none img)
(gimp-rotate layer TRUE 12)



Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Working On The Color Wheel
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Assignment 3
For assingment3 we had to start working on our colorwheel. The first step was to get a gradient working. For this we had to get blue at the top and yellow at the bottom. We worked on getting the gradient working in class with red and on my own I got the blue and yellow working. This is how it turned out:


(define img (car (gimp-image-new 512 512 0)))
> img
> (gimp-display-new img)
> ;Create new image and display it
> (define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 0)))
> (gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
> ;you define the layer then you add the layer
> (gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256
> (gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256)
> (gimp-contex-set-background '(255 0 0))
Error: eval: unbound variable: gimp-contex-set-background
> (gimp-context-set-background '(255 0 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 255 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256)
(gimp-context-set-background '(0 0 255)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256)


(define img (car (gimp-image-new 512 512 0)))
> img
> (gimp-display-new img)
> ;Create new image and display it
> (define layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 512 512 0 "blah" 100 0)))
> (gimp-image-add-layer img layer -1)
> ;you define the layer then you add the layer
> (gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256
> (gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256)
> (gimp-contex-set-background '(255 0 0))
Error: eval: unbound variable: gimp-contex-set-background
> (gimp-context-set-background '(255 0 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 255 0))
(gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256)
(gimp-context-set-background '(0 0 255)
(gimp-edit-blend layer 3 0 0 100 0 0 FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 256 0 256 256)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
GIMP Coding: Car and CRD
Monday, February 8, 2010
GIMP- Homework 3
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Gimp Coding

Today we learned gimp coding
Gimp language- foo, Scheme
Conditions if
Bold x = multiply for examples
VARIABLES: x,y,z; z=x+y; function add(x, y) for Gimp- (+ x y)
In englsish: x+(y x z) in scheme: (+x(x y z)
(define x 6)- variable with 6 stored in x
Or another way to make variables-temporary variables (let* ((x6)(y7))
METHODS: (define x 6)
(define (funcname param1 p2……)
For Loop:
(let LoopName ((i 0))
(if (not(=i 10))
(LoopName (+ i 1))
If it’s false then this is true(not)
(let* (( x 1) (y 2) (z))
(set! Z (+ x y))
Monday, February 1, 2010
Color Wheel: assignment 2



This is my Color Wheel Assignment 2
Natasha Keller
1 February 2010
Intro to Modeling and Post Production
Color Wheel
For our Intro to Modeling and Post Production class we were assigned our first big assignment. This assignment was assignment two. For this assignment we were asked to make a color wheel and color strips. We were to make the color wheel from picture/ photographic sources. We could either make it digitally or on a poster board. For the color wheel we had to find all the colors on the color wheel and make them from cutting out and gluing pictures either found in magazines or books or how ever else you can make them. We had to have twelve pure hues and for each hue we needed three different values. Then for the color strips we had to use complementary colors from the color wheel and have one at each end of the strip and meet in the middle as gray. Complimentary colors include Red and Cyan, blue and yellow, and green and magenta.
For my color wheel I decided to do an actual physical color wheel on a poster board. First I went to Walgreens and bought a white poster board and a thing of Elmer’s Glue. When I got home I drew a circle on my poster board in pencil that had an eighteen-inch diameter. The circle did not come out perfectly circular but it was all right. Then I got the circumference of the circle and calculated how many inches wide each color should be at the edge of the circle which came out to be about 4.7 inches for each color. Then I divided each color space into four sections. Then I labeled each spot with color with red on the top and green on the right and blue on the left.
After I had my color wheel divided up I went and got magazines. I found four of my sister’s magazines, which are all Seventeen Magazine, which was great for a color wheel because these magazines have many ranges of color because of all the clothes for teens. The four magazines I got were Seventeen Magazine March 2003, February 2008, October 2008, and November 2008. Then I started looking for colors. Whenever I found a color I wanted I ripped the whole page out from then magazine that way if there was more than one color I could use on the page I’d have it. I didn’t go in any particular order when making my colors, just when I found the color I used it. All the colors I used could be found in the magazines. A lot of the colors came from clothes and accessories in the magazines. Some came from adds and close articles in the theme of candy. When I found the color I needed I cut it out with scissors and glued it on with Elmer’s Glue. On my color wheel my colors went from the pure hues on the outside to white in the middle. My color wheel took a long time to make since it was so big and detailed. When I finished my color wheel I made my color strips. My color strips are on the right side of my color wheel on the poster board. I did red to cyan and yellow to blue vertical and underneath them I did green to magenta horizontal. For these I used colors found on all the pages I had ripped out from the magazines. For the strips I put each of the complimentary colors at an end of a strip and found colors starting from the pure hue and moving towards gray in the middle. For the strips the colors I cut were more jagged than the ones on the color wheel to bled them in and glued them on with Elmer’s Glue.
So in conclusion this was how I made my color wheel and my color strips in detail. A lot of work and creativity went into this color wheel. I was also very lucky to have my sister’s magazines with all the wonderful colors. And that’s how to make a color wheel with color strips on a poster board with four Seventeen Magazines.
Our first assignment is to write about light in a blog. Light is interesting it comes from waves and through this in our perspective we get a range of colors. Light comes in the form of a wave. It has a wave length that is expressed by the greek letter lambda and it has frequency amplitude and it's frequency is measured in hertz or Hz it is interesting.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My First Blog
I would just like to welcome any and all readers to my blog. From this point on I will use this blog for my Intro to Modeling and Post Production class. Thank you.
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